The Essential Guide to Doing Research: Zina O′Leary | Research

The Essential Guide to doing research
Z i n a O ’ L e a r y

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What do large-scale surveying, ethnomethodology, phenomenology, ethnography,
evaluation research, action research, etc., all have in common? Well, they may differ
on any number of dimensions, but what they have in common is a need for
credible DATA. Sources of data may vary, and means of accessing and gathering it
may differ, but all methodologies are reliant on data and the basic methods and
tools used to collect it.

Now as you read through this chapter, you may be surprised
at just how many issues and complexities are associated
with any particular method of data collection. Collecting
credible data is a tough task, and it is worth remembering that
one method of data collection is not inherently better than
another. Each method needs to be weighed up and considered in light of your
own research goals, as well as the method’s inherent pros and cons.
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