Improve Your Communication Skills | Skills

Communication Skills 

This textbook has been made to support students who are studying Communication through the first semester of the first year.
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This textbook offers been produced by lecturers from the University of Malawi - Bunda University of Agriculture. The purpose of the Communication Abilities course which textbook is to supply students not used to tertiary education, with the prerequisite vocabulary skills necessary to excel in the bigger education environment. To the end the course?s objectives are:

All college students at BCA about the completion of the Communication Skills program will be able to:

use study ways to process, store and utilize the information and abilities taught in
their subjects;
apply the various systems and processes utilized by the institutional library to search
and retrieve information;

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listen actively and produce accurate extensive and accurate notes;
read books and assets and withhold the information gleaned therein;
express themselves obviously using the written word;
succeed in examinations and assessments.

Basically, the current study sought to assess the perception of students regarding the role of teacher communication skills in their academics success. Comprehensive questionnaire carrying information including social economic and demographic aspects of the study was designed by the researcher to achieve the set objectives.

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 All those universities where sports sciences & physical education programs were offering were taken as the population of the study. The empirical data about the role of a teacher communication skills in students' academic success were obtained from (418, thirty percent 30 from each university) samples of 14 universities of Pakistan. The data was collected from the respondents through personal contact and by using the developed scale. After collection of data, the data was finally classified in the form of tables and regression was employed for the analysis of data.

 After evaluation of data, the researcher arrived at the conclusion that teacher communication skills have a significant part in the academic achievement of the student.

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