Blogspot Course in Urdu | Free Download


Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user weblogs with time-stamped entries. It had been created by Pyra Labs, that was bought by Google in 2003.

Generally, the weblogs are managed by Google at a subdomain of Blogs may also be hosted in the registered custom domain of the blogger. A user can have up to 100 weblogs per account.

Until May 1, 2010, Blogger allowed users to create weblogs on other hosts, via Document TRANSFER Process (FTP). All such weblogs experienced (or still have) to be relocated to Google's own machines, with domains apart from allowed via custom URLs.Unlike, Blogger allows it is users to use their own domain name cost-free, while costs around $13 to employ a custom website.Blogger cannot be installed on an online server. You have to use DNS facilities to redirect a tailor-made Web address to a blogspot website name.
Blogger is a blog-publishing service that allows multi-user weblogs with time-stamped entries. It had been created by Pyra Labs, that was bought by Google in 2003.

Generally, the weblogs are managed by Google at a subdomain of Sites may also be hosted in the authorized custom site of the blogger. A consumer can have up to 100 weblogs per account.

Until May 1, 2010, Blogger allowed users to create weblogs on other hosts, via Document TRANSFER Process (FTP). All such weblogs got (or still have) to be shifted to Google's own machines, with domains apart from allowed via custom URLs.Unlike, Blogger allows it is users to use their own area cost-free, while costs around $13 to employ a custom domain.Blogger cannot be installed on an internet server. You have to use DNS facilities to redirect a tailor-made Link to a blogspot website name.

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